‘One Shot’
Spine and long-leg stitching has evolved
Prior to the advent of Digital Radiography (DR), image stitching of the spine and long-leg radiography was performed using a specially configured X-ray system with multiple tube movements and exposures, or a dedicated Computed Radiography (CR) long cassette stand which captured the anatomy image area in a single exposure.
Today combining the best of both DR and CR methods Xograph Healthcare can now offer ‘One Shot’; Image Stitching (IS) in a compact movable package that can be used in any General X-Ray room.

Adding One Shot to your Canon Room
‘One Shot’; maximises the cost-effective use of the department’s existing Canon CXDI Detectors (2 or 3) and with the inclusion of a ‘One Shot’ stand and IS software module the radiographer can X-ray the selected anatomy with an instant ‘One Shot’ exposure.

Adding One Shot to any Manufacturers’ X-ray Room
‘One Shot’; image stitching (IS) requires 2 or 3 Canon CXDI Detectors, a ‘One Shot’ stand and Canon PC with built in IS software, the radiographer can X-ray the selected anatomy with an instant ‘One Shot’ exposure.

The Benefits of ‘One Shot’
Children and infirm patients, their comfort & confidence: The instant ‘One Shot’ exposure reduces the time for the patient to remain static allowing them to relax immediately after the image is verified and negates the need of motion artefact retakes.
Lower Patient Dose: When compared with conventional multiple exposure DR techniques or the CR exposure method.
Further Dose Reduction: A Removable Grid can be quickly applied to suit patient imaging requirement or a Scatter Correction licence can be added to manage patient dose to meet with the principles of ALARA.
Accurate Stitching: Images are automatically density smoothed, stitched and aligned to give uniform image appearance for almost instant diagnosis. Minimal or no post-exposure image manipulation is required.
Seamless Patient Throughput: The process is slick requiring minimal in room set up and patient preparation time.
Efficient Room Allocation: ‘One Shot’ can be configured to ‘roll in’ and ‘roll out’ of any manufacturers’ X-Ray Room with minimal disruption to your department’s workflow. No dedicated room set up is required.

Room Design by Xograph
If you are considering adding a new build X-Ray room or replacing an existing room and would like to see how the Precision i5 can be optimised in your working environment or imaging department – then we can help.
Working with our room designer you can explore room layout options, consider various workflow scenarios, include requirements such as utilities, storage, furniture and ‘perfect’ the all-important ‘room-feel’ decor scheme.
Would you like to see the i5 in your room? Please contact us for your room design consultation.

DR Shield
Canon Detector Protection Programme
Offered by Xograph Healthcare and backed by Canon, covers DR detector damage or failures resulting from an unintended incident.
DR Shield can be included as an adjunct to an Xograph ‘Xtend’ maintenance contract for the associated digital radiography modality and the Canon wireless flat panel detectors.
DR Shield provides an unlimited number of detector replacements.